2016 Minnesota

2016 Minnesota State Records

State Records may be set at any event. The competitors highest winning score of the event will be counted. Scores will be posted on the official website www.midwestspl.com. Certificates will be handed out at Finals to those who have the current record at the end of the season.

Class Name Score
Basic 1  Robert Peterson  148.3
Basic 2  Chris Rittel  152.1
Basic 3  Jeff Casier  151.9
Basic 4  Mike Larson  153.6
Basic Trunk  Dan Libor  152.2
Advanced No Wall  Dan Horner  163.8
Advanced 1  Chris Nelson  156.8
Advanced 2  Paige Nelson  158.9
Advanced 3  Zach Apitz 163.9
Advanced 4  Brendan Johnstone  151.4
Xtreme 1  Mike Larson  139.7
Xtreme 2  Nathan Crosbie  139.1
Xtreme 3  Chris Nelson  141.9
Xtreme 4  Chris Russ  148.3
Kaos 1  Terry Burns  151.0
Kaos 2  Nathan Crosbie  150.8
Kaos 3  Chris Nelson  155.4
Kaos 4  Chris Russ  160.3